Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Skin Types / Best Product

Skin types range from oily, dry, sensitive, combination, and normal. Understanding your skin type is crucial in choosing the acne prevention / fighting products. Let's break down the different skin types and their characteristics.

The face is oily all over. This type is usually more prone to acne and breakouts. The T-zone is shiny, and if you have any doubt as to whether your face is oily, just take a blotter and see how much oil you can soak up. You may need to go through several sheets!

Use an alcohol based gel or solution!

Sensitive Skin
Your face is sensitive to just about everything (it seems). You may get red blotches, flaking, or scar easily. The acne treatment for you should be a cream or lotion that provides moisture to your skin.

Dry Skin
Flaking!! You can get products like Ahava Advanced Mineral Beautiful Masque for very dry skin. It moisturizes, giving you that healthy and youthful look.

Combination Skin
You are both oily and dry, what a curse! I have combination skin. Everything except for my nose is oily, and my nose is dry. What is that!?!? I tend to go with the type of skin you have the most. For me, it's oily, so I use acne products designed for oily skin.

In prescribing medication for acne, your doctor will consider the type of your skin. It is very important in choosing the right product. You don't want to overdry your skin, or making it more oily, because your acne may get worse.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Celebrities with Acne

Many Hollywood celebrities are not blessed with perfect skin. It only seems like it due to photobrushing and makeup. I searched the net to find a list of stars who have or had acne problems.

Alician Keys
Cameron Diaz
Jessica Simpson
Britney Spears
Puddy Daddy
Vanessa Williams
Elizabeth Hurley
Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston
Maria Sharapova
Renee Zellweger
Tommy Lee Jones
Frankie Muntz

Acne is not BAD!

It may seem a little insensitive to say that having acne is not that bad. But, in the bigger scheme of things, it's not that bad at all. Of course, this excludes long term sufferers of severe acne.

We all had acne growing up, some more than others. I had to think of a few positive things that can come out of having acne.

1) It builds character.
2) People look at you all the time :)
3) You become an expert on pimples
4) You also become an expert on popping pimples
5) You have multiple uses for toothpaste
6) If you ever get rid of your acne, it's a MAJOR transformation
7) You are an expert on cleansers, regiments, etc

Just remember that one day you will grow out of it, and it will just be a distant memory. Do what you can to make life a little easier for yourself, but don't obsess over it. It's true, one day, it will be all better.