Thursday, January 26, 2006
Exercise Helps Reduce Severe Acne
Daily exercise can be extremely beneficial to your overall skin health and can also help clear it of acne too.
Regular exercise increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the skin cells. When you sweat, your body expells toxins through the skin with ease from the opened pores. Sweating effectively cleans the pores from dirt, dead skin cells and excess sebum.
When you exercise, your kidneys and liver work more effectively in removing toxins from the body. Stress is also reduced from exercise and both of these are known causes of acne.
It is a good idea after exercising to take a shower. This washes away the sweat and any other waste material ejected from the body. It also prevents the growth of bacteria which is attracted to sweat.
After exercise be sure to drink plenty of water. Water is essential for ridding the body of toxins and to replace all the water lost from sweating. Acne has been shown to occur in people who aren't drinking enough water.
Almost all exercises are great and the more you sweat the better. Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and team sports are all suitable. If you can, try to exercise outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine.
Swimming is excellent due to being in water which helps to fully cleanse the pores. It is important to rinse yourself after swimming to clean off the chlorine on your body which can leave your skin really dry.
One of the best exercises for acne is using a mini-trampoline. Jumping on a mini-tramp is beneficial for your lymphatic system. Your lymph is controlled by movement and operates best when exercising.
The lymph provides the cells with the nutrients it needs and is also responsible for removing and eliminating cell waste and toxins. If the lymph is insufficienty activated, the cells swim in their own waste which can block pores and when bacteria starts to grow in blocked pores it causes acne.
It has been reported that rebounding can increase the flow of your lymph by up to 30 times. It has also been stated that rebounding is possibly the best exercise ever invented because it has so many benefits.
Not only does exercise benefit the skin, it also has emotional and mental benefits. It is good for stress relief as stated earlier but also good for keeping the mind focused and active. Apart from exercise, proper sleep and relaxation are also good for reducing stress.
Factors That Do Not Cause Acne
The following are the factors, which are not correlated to acne development even if a number of people perceive it to be so:
1. Heredity: If the parents have undergone the acne problem, it does not affect the skin texture of the children. However, if the problem was serious then it may continue with the children to a smaller extent. You may be sharing this problem with at least one person in your family, as it is the most widespread problem.
2. Diet: There are many parents who try to keep their kids away from junk food such as burger, pizzas, pastries, etc. It is a fact that these items are not healthy but neither do they contribute to acne growth.
3. Dirt: You need not rinse your skin continuously to get rid of acne. On the contrary it may cause the skin to dry and cause irritation. Even the sweat flowing from your body does not substantially cause acne. The blackhead is just rusted oil and it is not dirt.
4. Stress: Most of the teenagers feel inferior and pluck the pimples and therefore make the problem a lot worse. But the routine stress as such does not result in acne. It is an incorrect concept that calming down makes the pimples disappear.
5. Hormone Pills: They are not effective in curbing the growth rate of acne. Most of the woman rush to treat themselves with different hormone pills which is wrong and unnecessary
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
DermaPure RX helps to:
Dissolve black and white heads
Remove dead skin cells
Reduce the oiliness of the skin without dryness or flaking
Prevent new acne from forming
Kill bacteria that causes acne infection
Calm, sooth, and heal damaged skin
Acne affects almost 100% of those aged between twelve and seventeen. Many people experience an occasional breakout that can consist of whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. There are ways to remove stubborn acne, but many of these require doctor visits and can do more damage to your body (via side effects) than good.
Actimine is an all natural herbal supplement that focuses on the removal of acne all over your body. Actimine contains natural ingredients that have been shown to have a positive effect on acne. Clinical trials have been done on the individual ingredients found in Actimine. The results show that after 6-12 weeks of use, you may begin to notice less oil present in the skin along with a reduction in whiteheads and blackheads.
Many complex processes that involve different hormones, enzymes, and immune processes cause acne. By correcting nutrient deficiencies, Actimine is able to balance natural body functions that are responsible for causing acne. This will reduce the amount of breakouts to help your skin look as clear as possible.
Actimine does not target just one age group. People in their late 20’s and even into their 40’s can get Acne and Actimine’s effectiveness is not limited by age thus providing a safe and effective all natural Acne remedy.
Derma Cleanse
ZENMED™ is the creator of the internationally recognized line of skin therapies aimed specifically at skin suffering from the symptoms of Rosacea. If you have not tried them lately, you may be missing out on that clear complexion for longer than necessary.
Acne Can Be a Minor Nuisance - Or a Personal Tragedy!
Acuzine's Natural Ingredients Help Protect the Skin, Reduce Swelling and Promote Healing of Scars.
Most people who have reached or passed adolescence have suffered at least slightly from the unsightliness and irritation of acne. A few lucky people seem rarely or never to be touched by this problem. For the majority, acne is something that they have to deal with, perhaps mainly as teens, perhaps at least off and on throughout their lives. And for some people, acne is a terrible invader, always there, always irritating, always ugly, always on their minds, always interfering with their self-confidence and personal relationships.
Acne is caused when the hair follicles in our skin get blocked. No one knows precisely why these blockages occur, nor why they are more severe in some people than in others, even in different members of the same family. It also is not known why acne commonly first occurs after puberty, although the sebaceous glands grow considerably at this time, which could be a factor. The oil produced by hair follicles, called sebum, is normally beneficial because it helps prevent the skin from drying and limits skin infections. But when sebum can't drain, it builds up and actually becomes a culture medium for bacteria.
As pimples develop, the skin may become inflamed. This inflammation may last for a time even after a pimple bursts or heals (you shouldn't squeeze pimples, because squeezing can lead to more severe skin infections). In severe cases, scarring may take place, caused by imperfections in the inflammatory response to infection. It is not known why some people are more susceptible to acne scarring than others. Fortunately, most acne spots and inflammation heal over time, but the healing process can take months.
Acuzine has natural ingredients that work to take care of the skin. They help control free radicals that cause skin damage, aging and wrinkling, and that can contribute to infection. Acuzine limits inflammation, helping take care of the ugly redness, and working to limit the inflammatory response that can cause scarring. And, Acuzine promotes healing.
Acne Fighting Makeup

What happens when acne creeps up on a woman before an important event? Sometimes heavy makeup coverup can worsen the situation, so someone came up with Loroxide Acne Lotion, which is a acne fighting lotion/makeup, and it even comes in various shades to match your skin color.
Loroxide Acne Lotion is 5.5% benzoyl peroxide, which is a great acne fighter. Furthermore, you can match the lotion to the shade of your skin, so that the lotion looks natural. How the color matcher works is that you add a drop of color to the lotion, and the darker your skin, the more you ad. Remember that it's okay to make a lotion darker, but you can't make it lighter, so you need to be somewhat patient.
So now anytime you think your important event may be ruined by unexpected pimples, you can use Loroxide Acne Lotion to fight and hide the pimples.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Clear Skin Regimen
A Moisturizer: If you use as much benzoyl peroxide as I recommend you will need a moisturizer so you can keep your skin from becoming overly dry. It is vitally important that you begin moisturizing from day one on the regimen, even if your skin doesn't seem to need it at first. Moisturizing will help keep your skin in balance and will help prevent some of the initial drying/reddening effects of benzoyl peroxide. Choose a non-comedogenic sunscreen for acne prone skin that contains moisturizer.
Note: My absolute favorite moisturizer is Eucerin Skin Renewal. No other moisturizer come close to its ability to prevent flakiness. However, Eucerin Skin Renewal contains lactic acid, a very gentle alpha hydroxy. Starting with an alpha hydroxy moisturizer at the onset of a benzoyl peroxide regimen could cause stinging. But do keep it in mind for once you have been on the regimen for a couple of weeks. It is the best one out there by far. If you still experience severe stinging and are sensitive to alpha hydroxy acid, stop using it and try another moisturizer.
A 2.5% benzoyl peroxide gel or cream: Several studies show that a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide solution actually works better than the overdrying 10% solutions. So why are most of the benzoyl peroxide medications on the market in 10% strength? Because this is the legal limit for over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide and marketers know that people will always buy "maximum strength" if they can. However, in the case of benzoyl peroxide, maximum strength gels and creams are not as effective as their lower strength counterparts. As it turns out, 2.5% benzoyl peroxide is just as effective in killing acne bacteria as the higher concentrations. With 2.5% you get all the beneficial effects of benzoyl peroxide without the excess irritation that can make acne worse.
It may take your face a couple of weeks to get used to benzoyl peroxide. For this reason, it is extremely important to slowly ramp up the dosage over the first few weeks on the regimen. If you have sensitive skin, start with one application per day for the first week.
A word of caution: about 3% of people are allergic to benzoyl peroxide and experience severe swelling and/or crusting. You may want to test a spot on your skin first. Also, benzoyl peroxide can bleach fabrics. Be careful about getting it on clothing that you love.
Tip: after you have squeezed out everything in the tube, you can still cut it in half and get quite a bit more out with your finger.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Body Piercing Cleanser?

The other day, I came across an acne forum where a woman claims that a Provon product helped her acne problems significantly. Provon is usually used to clean body piercing spots and is also used widely at hospitals. I am not really surprised that it can be a great help for acne, since it practically kills all the germs on your face. Some people on the forum were worried that it may be too heavy-duty, but I checked out a website that sells Provon products, and it seems they have all kinds of products for skin, hand, etc. There is even a skin moisturizer.
Provon is along the same line as Purell, the hand sanitizer....maybe Purell can help too? Does anyone out there know?
Acne Facts (Part 1)
2. Hey! Your not alone, an estimated eighty percent of the people suffer from some form of acne in their life
3. Did you know there are many varieties of acne? In fact, there are over fifty types of acne. However, the most common form is acne vulgaris.
. Although many individuals believe the sun makes their acne better, the reality is ultraviolet rays that penetrate the skin's surface can damage the follicles, closing them off and triggering acne two to four weeks after sun exposure.
5. It takes three to four weeks for a pimple to form, therefore, what you ate yesterday does not affect your skin. Hormones and your genes are the main causes of acne.
Causes of Acne
Top Rated Acne Treatment

Everyone has heard of Proactiv. But, are there other more effective ways of eliminating and controlling acne?
A recent poll lists the top rated acne treatments.
The Explosed System came on top. It is appropriate for most skins types and had little or no side effects on sensitive skin. It still costs far less then prescription medication ($49.95)
Proactiv, the popular acne treatment with Benzoyl Peroxide came second. Some side effects can be noticed, and the most common one s the overdrying of skin. The side effect was experienced by nearly half of the subjects. ($39.95)
Murad came third. It is suppsed to be a good product for mild acne, so it is not as effective on people with moderate to severe acne. It is the most affordable of the three at $29.95.