What happens when acne creeps up on a woman before an important event? Sometimes heavy makeup coverup can worsen the situation, so someone came up with Loroxide Acne Lotion, which is a acne fighting lotion/makeup, and it even comes in various shades to match your skin color.
Loroxide Acne Lotion is 5.5% benzoyl peroxide, which is a great acne fighter. Furthermore, you can match the lotion to the shade of your skin, so that the lotion looks natural. How the color matcher works is that you add a drop of color to the lotion, and the darker your skin, the more you ad. Remember that it's okay to make a lotion darker, but you can't make it lighter, so you need to be somewhat patient.
So now anytime you think your important event may be ruined by unexpected pimples, you can use Loroxide Acne Lotion to fight and hide the pimples.
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